Getting started - Docker

Start using Flood Agent with Docker based load generators

If your system has Docker installed, using Flood's pretuned Docker images is the simplest way to start using Flood Agent.

Running load generators via Docker is not currently supported on Windows. To use Flood Agent on windows, please see Getting Started - Local JMeter & Gatling.

Copy your Flood API token

The first step is to copy your Flood API token from the Flood dashboard.

  1. Click here to visit the Flood API Access page.

  2. Click on Reveal token under Flood IO API v2.0. You should see something like this:

3. Copy the string beginning with flood_live to your clipboard; you'll need it in the next step.

Run the agent

Run the flood-agent binary that you downloaded in the previous section of the Getting Started guide. Use the token that you copied in the previous step:

./flood-agent --token flood_live_f100d1e9a8e...

Flood Agent will use a random grid name like submerged-dolphin.

You can also specify a custom name for your grid. For example, mygrid

./flood-agent --token flood_live_f100d1e9a8e... --grid mygrid1

If you repeat these steps on a second machine, your grid mygrid1 will now have two nodes. Any floods you run on mygrid1 will now run on both machines.

For more information, please see How it Works.

Verify the agent

Once the agent has started you should start seeing some informational logging:

~# Flood Agent #~
==> Contacting Flood API...
--> checking Flood API token
[√] token valid
--> syncing with API as mygrid1
[√] sync done
==> Bootstrapping Flood agent...
[2s] ~ starting Flood Agent ~ version: dev build: dev
[5s] Using stdout-only logs
[5s][mygrid1] load generator config summary
[5s][mygrid1] java-selenium-firefox:
[5s][mygrid1]   as docker container
[5s][mygrid1] jmeter:
[5s][mygrid1]   as docker container
[5s][mygrid1] gatling:
[5s][mygrid1]   as docker container
[5s][mygrid1] floodchrome:
[5s][mygrid1]   as docker container
[5s][mygrid1] floodelement:
[5s][mygrid1]   as docker container
[5s][mygrid1] java-selenium-chrome:
[5s][mygrid1]   as docker container
[8s][mygrid1][agent] ready, awaiting Flood jobs
[8s][mygrid1][job-worker] awaiting next job

If you're still having trouble starting flood-agent, try the flood-agent check‌ command. For more details see the "Check your Configuration" section on the Getting Started - Local JMeter & Gatling page.

If you're running flood-agent from within a corporate network, you may need to perform additional steps to get started. For more information, please see the Networking page.

Next, run a load test

To continue to launch a load test, check out Running a flood on your grid.

Last updated