Usage page

How to see your historical usage of Flood

At any point in your billing cycle, you can click on the Usage button next to Notifications to get to your Usage page. It will look like this:

  • A. Usage icon - Click here to get to your Usage page, or you can also click on your Profile (the last icon on the upper right) and then click Usage. If you've used more than the free 500 VUH, you'll also see a dollar amount corresponding to how much your next invoice will cost.

  • B. Description - This describes your plan, the tier you're on, and the VUM you've used so far this billing cycle.

  • C. Quantity (VUH) - This is the amount of VUH used at each tier and your running total.

  • D. Filter by project - You can select a project to view only the VUH used by that project; otherwise all VUH usage across projects will be displayed by default

  • E. Flood - This is the flood that you spent VUH on.

  • F. VUH consumed - VUH used for the corresponding floods.

  • G. Status - This can be metered, estimated, or billed.

  • H. Date - When the flood was executed or the VUH was consumed, relative to the current time

Last updated