Azure AD as the SAML IDP

A guide to using Azure Active Directory as the SAML Identity Provider.

Using Azure AD as the SAML Identity Provider can be configured using the following steps.

Step 1

Create an Application in the Azure Portal -

Step 2

From the navigation pane, go to Azure Active Directory > Enterprise applications, and then click New application.

Step 3

Click on the link Click here to switch back to the old app gallery experience

Step 4

Select Non-gallery app tile

Step 5

Input the app name and click Add

Step 6

On the left menu, select Single Sign on, then select the SAML tile

Step 7

Scroll down to get the following:

  • 509 Certificate from Section 3 (Download Base64 version)

  • Log In URL and Log Out URL from Section 4

Step 8

We can now use these 3 pieces of information to set up the SAML connection from the Flood side (as follows)

Please ensure you select the HTTP-POST option for Protocol Binding.

Step 9

After confirming your values and saving, you will get the following from Auth0 (displayed via the Flood popup as follows)

Step 10

Finally come back to this Azure page, where you will use these two values to input in the required (red) fields in Section 1 as follows:

All Done!

Congratulations, now the integration between Flood and Azure AD using SAML IDP is complete!

Last updated